Just because they said it wasn't likely...

So a brief flashback:

The year was 2006 (maybe 2007, those two years kind of blur together, just like the last three sort of do), and I was at school in New Brunswick at Mount Allison University. I had been picking up games and comics on whims, much like i'm wont to do now. One of the local movie rental places had been a comic shop previously, and the new owners kept it going although at a reduced level (makes sense really, it's a small town, and Moncton is basically next door). Perusing one day I came across this.

the cover was so...... foreboding..... haunting....... ok I'm not a goth kid so I don't know where to go from there.

I thought to myself on seeing it "oh neat, a requiem book" and picked it up without glancing in it. A few days after I decided to finally take a look through, and see what it did in the White Wolf RPG series (I thought I had bought a book for World of Darkness, the updated system they had been putting out. Good system overall). As I looked through I kept being surprised when I saw a picture like this.

Picture this in black and white. I'm surprised they went with real photos though...
or this

There sure seem to be a lot of pictures of people in make-up in this book....
and this

Uh oh, I don't think this is an expansion.

I didn't realize I was buying a LARPing book at the time, but when I finally did I proceeded to laugh and laugh.... and then maybe cry a little (things get blurry after the first 30 seconds).

The running gag at this point with my friends has been that we should try it just once, so we can be well-rounded gamers and actually have a basis for all of the dislike we've carried for LARPing (different strokes.... but some things I have trouble understanding).

Or will never understand, and am scared of.
From what I've read of it, the system seems easy enough, and if you found the right people it could be fun I suppose. Also the sections and suggestions in the book are too funny to pass up in some cases (like figuring out code words for weapons if you're playing in a public space like a bar or club.... right).

Living on the craaaazy side.
Also, what other game penalizes people for not showing up in proper costume/make-up?

As far as updating the system goes, it's cool that White Wolf did. I mean I can't imagine the original book was a huge seller, just because of the niche market involved. It kind of seems like it was a bit of a fan service on there part which is cool overall when any company does it on their own accord (barring my new ancient nemesis Paizo Games and their irksome system). 

I dislike you and everything you stand for, thoroughly

Plus let's face it, it's better than some of the expansions that have been thought up for the paper and dice game I would say.

Too far White Wolf, too far.

So there you go, probably the only post we'll have on the subject, but hey it rounds us out right?

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